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Headframe Spirits PAR
Adaptive Reuse | Master Planning | PAR | Hospitality

Butte, MT


Weaving the Fabric of Butte's Cultural and Economic Development
Headframe Spirits, a successful distillery located in Butte, Montana, is a distillery steeped in the history, culture, and economic development of Butte.
SMA explored the adaptive re-use potential of the Kelley Mine site as Headframe Spirit’s phase three development, which would include, not only the distillery, but would also become a cultural icon and destination in the Mining City.
Preserving the Kelley Mine
It was important to not only SMA, but Headframe Spirits, that as much of the existing mining building and historic fabric remain throughout the adaptive re-use.
The report analyzes several different sites around Butte, including two with headframes (the Mountain Con Mine and the Kelley Mine). Based on the findings of the report, the Kelley Mine and site was the most feasible and appropriate for Headframe Spirits’ Phase-III operations

With a vibrant commons and cafeteria adjoining the main entry, the school feels welcoming to students and the community, while a gym and stage holds other community events and performances. The school's entries are designed to activate the surrounding downtown and neighborhood areas.
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