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LEED Silver

Butte School District K-8 Pre-Bond Planning, Safety & Security

Addition | Building Condition Report | Renovation

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Butte, MT

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150,000 sf + 6 Elementary Schools


Safety First!

  • SMA partnered with Butte School District to develop a bond scope to address safety and security needs across the district’s six elementary schools including East Middle School.

  • Proposed safety and security measures included new secure vestibules at all seven schools, new clocks, bell paging systems tied into a district-wide security system, and access-control and door position switches at all exterior doors.

  • Vehicle and pedestrian circulation safety concerns were addressed at East Middle School and Emerson Elementary School.

A Team Effort

  • SMA facilitated a series of public meetings in order to gather public input, hear concerns and develop consensus regarding the scope of the proposed bond.

  • SMA partnered with Butte School District in an interactive bond campaign that included outreach through the news, social media, district website, and public meetings.

  • The integrated community-led bond campaign resulted in the bond passing by a large margin.


Additional Improvement Projects

  • Due to care management of bond funds by the school district, design team, and general contractor/construction manager, several other capital improvement projects were included within the scope of work including a classroom and library addition at Kennedy Elementary to replace two modular buildings damaged by heavy snow.

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