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Hotel Deer Lodge PAR
Hotel Deer Lodge PAR Exterior

Hotel Deer Lodge PAR
Hotel Deer Lodge PAR Exterior

Hotel Deer Lodge PAR
Hotel Deer Lodge PAR Historical Signage

Hotel Deer Lodge PAR
Hotel Deer Lodge PAR Exterior
Hotel Deer Lodge PAR
Adaptive Reuse | Building Condition Report | Feasibility Study | Historic Report | PAR | Renovation | Residential | Professional Offices

Deer Lodge, MT


One of the Finest Hotels in Montana
SMA is currently working with Deer Lodge Preservation, Inc. and Powell County to complete a Preliminary Architectural Report to secure CDBG funding for the historic Hotel Deer Lodge.
The three story brick building located in downtown Deer Lodge originally opened in 1912 and was commonly known as one of the “finest hotels in Montana” due to its elevator and hot and cold water in all rooms. Closed since the late 1980s without maintenance care, the roof has unfortunately been leaking for several years and has damaged much of the interior.
Multifunctional Vision
The multifunctional vision for the project would fully renovate and restore the building to provide locals and visitors with quality hotel rooms, office spaces, apartments, retail businesses, and a top quality restaurant and café.
An investigation of the existing building’s deficiencies will be completed, such as repairing the roof and interior damage, increasing accessibility for persons with disabilities, and increasing multi-use functionality.
Several options will be proposed to find the most feasible way to approach the project. The PAR document is expected to be completed and submitted for funding in 2017.

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